For this assignment you are going to reproduce the data cleaning steps and techniques demonstrated in the video of the Working with data: cleaning data in practice module. So you are going to identify issues in a data file and try to solve them in Microsoft Excel.

The data file to start with can be downloaded with the link below, and was originally taken from the Reactor Database of the World Nuclear Association. The video is embedded here too.


If you are already familiar with the techniques demonstrated in the video, you can take on a more advanced challenge. In the data, each reactor has a name that consists of the name of the power plant and the number of the reactor. For this challenge, you need to clean and prepare the data so that you can make a ranking of the nuclear power plants according to the combined capacity of their reactors.

Like always, there are multiple ways of how this can be solved. But in essence, you need to

Expected outcome

If you get stuck or if you have questions about some parts of the video or of the assignment, you can post them below. They will be answered as soon as possible.

If you took on the advanced challenge, feel free to upload the Excel file with your solution.

During the Working with data: Q&A session on Friday, we will take some time to discuss the questions and solutions regarding this assignment.

After submitting the assignment, you can continue the course with the suggested next module on Graphic file formats , or you can pick another module from the

Questions and solutions

<aside> 🆘 In case you are not familiar with writing on Notion, watch the video linked below before submitting.
