For this assignment you are going to let a chart tell a story by:

You can either take a chart you (or your organisation) made before, and apply the things you learned in the prerequisite modules to it, or you can start from the example chart below.

Example chart

If you don’t use one of your own charts for this assignment, you can use the chart embedded below.

You can use any tool you like for this assignment. But editing the chart above is most easily done by editing it in Datawrapper, the online data visualisation tool the chart was made with. To do so, click the link below and click the “Reuse this chart” button (to make this work, it is required that you create a (free) Datawrapper account first, and to log into it).


To understand the data displayed on the chart, please view the 3 minute video below.

Here are some useful links to learn how to make a chart tell a story in Datawrapper: