Reminder: this assignment should only be started after completing modules 1-12 of the training.
For this assignment, you can either use the example chart below, or (preferably) start from a chart of your own choice (a visualisation you made yourself, one produced by your organisation, or one you found somewhere online or in a publication).
First, you should formulate the main message of the chart. Why was the chart made, and what did the author wanted his audience to take away from the chart?
Next, you should formulate design edits to accomodate the visualisation for use in print, for online, on a slide in a slide deck, and for social media, while still keeping the main message of the chart.
You will probably get the most of this assignment if you take one of your own charts or a chart produced by your institution as the starting point. But if you prefer not to, you can use the visualisation below, coming from The Economist.
Source: Commodity prices jump as Russia goes to war,
Add the visualisation you started working with below to the Submissions section of this page, together with your name.
Add what you think is the main message of the chart in one or 2 lines.
Add bullet lists with design edits you would apply to accomodate the chart for
If you want, you can implement the design edits in a real chart, and add it to the submission document too. If you think of design edits for the chart for other media (television, poster, ...), feel free to add these too.
After submitting the assignment, you can continue the course with the suggested next module on Table design, or you can pick another module from the
<aside> 🆘 In case you are not familiar with writing and adding images on Notion, watch the video linked below before submitting.