Training 1: Design principles for data visualisation - closure

Click on the bookmark above to view the slides for this live session

In this session, we will take some time to discuss the training content and the training format. There is also time for Q&A, in case anything is still unclear.

Please note that this session is scheduled right after the Assignment results discussion session and will use the same Webex link.

You are kindly requested to evaluate the course by filling in the evaluation form below. The evaluation consists of 4 sections (Training content, Training format, Training delivery, Overall).

You will get the needed time to fill in the evaluation form during the live session. Please make sure to complete all of the sections and click the submit button at the end.

A word from the trainer

I would like to thank all of you for participating and (hopefully) completing this training. As this was the first asynchronous training for both me and the Publications Office, we are very curious about your experience following the training, and we would appreciate it very much if you could fill in the evaluation form linked to above.

The evaluations will allow us to identify issues with the format and content of the training, and adjust these for future trainings.

I hope you have learned a thing about graphic design and the design of data visualisations, and that you will be able to apply the things learned in all your visualisation work.

If you are interested in more data visualisation trainings, take a look at the other data visualisation trainings on EU Learn.

Best regards,
