After completing all other modules, it is time to have little fun: let’s break all the rules you learned in this training!

For this assignment, you are free to take any data set and use any tool you like. The objective is to make a chart with the worst design you can think of, disrespecting all rules and good practices of data visualisation design.

Make sure to have look back at all modules in this training, to check you didn’t miss any opportunity to break an additional rule 😉

Add your bad chart below, together with your name.

Congratulations! After submitting this assignment, you have almost completed this training. The only remaining modules are the Assignment results discussion and Training closure and evaluation live sessions on Friday afternoon. Make sure to block these in your calendar to attend these sessions.


Submission by @Maarten Lambrechts:


Submission by Agnese


Submission by Marcin


Submission by Winfried
